About Us
We hope to equip people with a sense of their purpose and help them to use Kingdom principles in such a way that will create questions and opportunity for them to share their faith. Equipping people who have access to the masses 40 or more hours every week, we need to bring business people to a higher level to demonstrate Christ and impact communities. We also want to impart ideas that will help them to grow their business both financially and spiritually. The values we speak of are Integrity, Dependability, Excellence, and Stewardship. We want people to know there is still a place for accountability, respect, and servant leadership in business. |
Long-Term and
In the 1970’s, there was a group known as Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship. Their primary purpose was to give testimonies and help people understand the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. They were able to achieve that purpose, but there were also many business deals struck at these meetings, because when business people get together there is a definite synergy that happens. The scripture tells us that we have the mind of Christ. Together, let's discover the gifts and abilities He has given us.
Our goal is to teach that there is no difference between the sacred and secular. These are man-made divisions. The Bible teaches that the earth is the Lord’s and everything in it. (Psalm 24:1). God is working in the entire world. Some think that the workplace is carnal because of money and business. We don't believe this division is life giving. When the Hebrews were taken captive in Jeremiah 29, they were brought into a culture that was anti-God. God told them to stay there, build houses, and have children and grandchildren and increase in the place He had sent them. His goal was for them to change their environment and change it for generations. We hope to do that once again by sounding the trumpet for Christ's Kingdom.
In past years major corporations were looking for skill sets. They have found out that they can teach skill sets, but cannot teach character. Today these major businesses are looking for people who have proven character traits. In our network are business leaders who have been in the workplace for many years, and many have been in executive positions. We intend to share that Kingdom values will increase productivity and blessings that cannot be found elsewhere.
Oz Hillman wrote a book titled, “The Nine to Five Window”. For years the church has been reaching into the 10/40 window. While we believe that is still needed, the fact is that if the church touches business, we will be able to reach into all nations and regain the influence and power that God gave to us. Daily life should be the background for miracles. The people we touch every day should be the ones experiencing new life in their children, their spouses and their jobs. Our character and values need to proclaim His life every day.
We are to walk confidently in obedience, taking back the land we have been assigned to steward, in order to influence others by demonstrating the love of Jesus Christ and His nature.